Fergana Regional
Information-Library Center named after Ahmad Ferganiy
Work hours:
Daily from 8:00 to 18:00
Mailing address:
Uzbekistan, Fergana city,
Marifat str. 31A


Do you know?  09.03.2020 00:00

Is it necessary for a citizen to have a passport when formalizing a car in a notary?

Do you know?  04.03.2020 13:53

How to check if the accrued pension is correct?

"My lacknesses"  04.03.2020 13:39

On March 4, 2019, the Korean language club hosted another workshop in the Foreign Literature reading room. Club members talked about “My lackesses”.

Getttig to know the library  01.03.2020 11:50

On February 29, 2020, Akhmad Ferghani Information and Library Center organized an exhibition around the library for students of a private school called "Followers of Islam Karimov" in Ferghana to promote youth enlightenment, promote reading, and inform youth about information and library activities.

Seminar for employees of information-bibliographic service held  26.02.2020 15:12

On February 26, 2020 specialists of information-bibliographic service of the Ferghana regional information-library center named after Ahmad Fergani organized a practical seminar for employees of information-bibliographic service of information-library centers of district (cities) of the region.

“Books - Anniversary”  26.02.2020 13:33

Important dates are celebrated not only on the birthday of the authors of the book, but also on the dates of the best works.

We recommend reading  04.02.2020 13:01

Ernest Hemingway's 'Old Man and the Sea' is one of the greatest works in the world. The volume of the work is quite small.

We recommend reading  03.02.2020 13:45

Harry Potter is a series of novels written by English writer J.K. Rowling.

Notable writer, great man  29.01.2020 00:00

On January 29, 2020, an information minute devoted to the 160th anniversary of A.P. Chekhov was held in the reading room sector of the Ahmad Fergani Regional Information and Library Center. The writer lived a short life.

Online Lawyer  28.01.2020 15:11

Question: How do gas stations pay excise taxes?

Answer: Payment of excise tax is carried out not later than the deadline for submission of invoices (Article 240 of the Tax Code).

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